
Aqueous slurry of pellets into the pellet slurry tank is further cooled and then sent to a centrifuge dryer water removal

Aqueous slurry of pellets into the pellet slurry tank is further cooled and then sent to a centrifuge dryer water removal. Strip granulator use history almost as old as the tablets granulator. Including die,  Oil machine  (bath or blower), drying section (if using water-cooled) and pelletizing knife. Extruder or gear pump with molten polymer is extruded through a die mounted horizontally to form a strip (modern precision machined die, uniformly heated to a stable quality of output strip). Strip after discharge from the mouth, which uses a blower or air / vacuum facilities for cooling,  oil expeller  with a water bath. If you use water-cooled, strip to go through a drying section, with the addition of water forced through the wind, and then the strip to the cutting chamber. A pair of fixed blade and the rotating blade shearing action, the strip cut to the desired length accurately.

