
When the material being squeezed

In pathology tea without adverse effects on human serum lipids , in addition to preventive medicine and the treatment of hypertension, cardiovascular diseases, efficacy , there are elimination heat and dampness , insecticide detoxification , etc. , called edible oils boutique . Village tea for its quality, reputation , into the majority of families and catering industry , oil machine increasingly advanced favorite cooking oil . Press : screw press is a small rural rapeseed oil refinery with a very wide range of a small press, it is a simple structure, high pressure , continuous processing of materials , low labor intensity , can crush a variety of fuel .
Press because of its circular cage bars jagged curves and taper , the volume of material being squeezed , briquette machine by the pressing screw and screw -pressed and squeezed to make juice cage changing the inner wall of the space , in pressing cage Since the arrangement of the rear of a round pressing , pressing the inner wall of the cage serrated where the preform by the squeezing and relaxing alternately , structural preform constantly being adjusted to obtain a uniform flip, so not squeeze or squeeze oil oil fewer blanks have more chance of being fully pressed . So it 's squeezing effect is better .

